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Our Approach

From our initial assessment and throughout a person’s journey with Cedar Health and Wellbeing, the following principles underpin our model of support.

We are Person-Centred and Outcome Focused.

We recognise that everyone has their own unique ambitions, goals and aspirations and we support people to achieve them.

Using a person-centred and outcome focussed approach, we ensure each person we support is at the front and centre of their care and support planning, enabling them to live their best life.

We work closely with each person, their families and all professionals involved, to develop their person-centred support plan, using a range of Person-Centred tools.

Person-centred support plans reflect what is important to the person, highlights their strengths and identifies what support is needed to achieve their identified outcomes.

Small, achievable steps, to support each person to reach their targets are identified. Progress is monitored through regular reviews, enabling them to achieve their outcomes and evidence the successes that they achieve.

This results in continuous listening, learning and action, so that everyone involved in the person’s life can work together and be committed to improving their quality of life, health and wellbeing. 

Our support is Strengths Based that embraces Positive Risk-Taking

We support people to partake in meaningful activities, build positive relationships and live the lives they want to live.

We are dedicated to supporting people to learn, grow and develop and believe that everyone is capable of continuous improvement. 

We explore what is important to the person to have a meaningful day and develop new skills that encourage and promote independence.

We support each person to develop a comprehensive activity planner, which is a combination of essential life skill activities, as well as social, leisure, educational and vocational activities.  We support people to continue established activities and encourage them to explore new activities, that a person may wish to restart or try, where they have been unable to do so previously.

We use a strengths-based approach and embrace positive risk-taking. Our collaborative approach focuses on a person's strengths and assets, aiming to overcome barriers to change and promote or ensure progression.

We recognise that everyone has elements of risk in their lives and people often need to take risks to progress towards their goals. We believe that this should not be a barrier to people living the life that they choose.

We work with the person and their circle of support to identify and assess risks. We then plan what can be done to manage, reduce and mitigate these risks, to enable each person to reach their full potential towards independence.

Our team are experienced with the legal frameworks provided by the Mental Capacity Act and Mental Health Act.

Support Plans are least restrictive with the appropriate framework in place, which ensure any essential restrictive practices to reduce and/or manage risk are lawful.

Support plans are designed to empower and protect the people we support, in line with the principles of the Mental Capacity Act.

We are committed to Positive Behaviour Support

Positive Behaviour Support runs through all of our practice and is embedded in support planning.

We adopt a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) framework, which uses person-centred, functional assessment and analysis to understand what sustains behaviours that challenge. This empowers staff to support the person to develop alternative, more appropriate ways to get their needs met. It also allows us to gain an understanding into how behaviours are used, as a form of communication.

Everyone who we support has a bespoke PBS plan, which identifies triggers, proactive, active, reactive and post-reactive strategies; this allows staff to respond accordingly and keep the person safe. The overall aim of PBS is to enhance a person’s quality of living, so that they can lead a meaningful life and learn new skills, without unnecessary restrictions.

All staff are trained in PROACT-SCIPr interventions by one of our four in-house trainers. PROACT-SCRIPr uses evidence, values and a whole-person approach, to support people with challenging behaviours. PROACT-SCIPr encompasses a positive approach to behaviours that challenge, in the least restrictive way. The framework minimises the use of physical intervention and emphasises behaviour support strategies, centred on the person’s individual needs, characteristics and preferences. The principles of PROACT-SCRIPr promotes the implementation of proactive and active strategies, whilst focusing on environmental settings and removing reaction-based responses through redirection.

Cedar Health and Wellbeing are members of the Restraint Reduction Network and are committed to working towards reducing restrictive practices.

We care about the health and wellbeing of the people that we support.

We advocate and support people to access services, to improve or maintain their health and wellbeing.

We understand the health inequalities that people with a learning disability and autism face .

We support people to make and attend appointments, working collaboratively with allied health professionals, to ensure reasonable adaptations are made. Where necessary, we ensure the principles of the Mental Capacity Act are followed, regarding any treatment.

We support people to understand any health conditions that they may have, including their treatment and medication, through using easy-read accessible information, in their preferred communication format. 

Everyone we support has their own health action plan, to ensure that their holistic health-needs are met.

A hospital passport is developed with each person we support, to ensure their health and support needs are communicated with health professionals within the community.

We are committed to the STOMP Pledge (Stop The Over Medication of People with a Learning Disability, Autism or both).

We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of care

We prioritise safety, compliance and quality assurance.

At Cedar Health and Wellbeing, we ensure robust, quality assurance processes. These procedures ensure that we stay at the forefront of industry best practices, continually improving the services we provide, to the people we support.

We comply fully with CQC (Care Quality Commission) regulatory standards, ensuring that every aspect of our service delivery meets or exceeds the expectations set for safety, effectiveness and care quality.

Our commitment to quality assurance goes beyond compliance. We conduct regular internal audits, gather feedback from the individuals we support and work closely with staff to ensure a culture of continuous improvement.

We prioritise the safety and wellbeing of everyone we support, by implementing rigorous safeguarding measures, comprehensive risk assessments and ensuring all staff receive regular training and development.

Through our proactive approach to safety and compliance, we ensure that every individual receives the highest level of care and support in a safe, well-regulated environment.

We Develop Enabling Environments

We are passionate about providing enabling environments.

We are passionate about providing enabling environments.

We believe that the key to successful support in the community, is the right living environment to meet any identified needs. From the earliest opportunity, we complete an environmental assessment to ensure that the home environment is suitable for the person that we support and to identify any adaptations.

Our residential homes have been developed to incorporate ‘Best Practice Design’ for supporting adults with Autism, where consideration is given to fixtures, fittings, sanitaryware, access and egress systems, colour themes, heating and lighting, so that they are all designed to minimise any sensitivities.

We develop services for people that comply with national policy and current best practice.

We are dedicated to creating homes that are beautiful and homely, as well as being practical and robust, to meet each person’s individual needs.

In supported living, we work with trusted housing partners, who provide a good standard of accommodation to meet the individual needs of the people we support, in their own homes. Bespoke environmental adaptations can be made to supported living properties, upon request to the landlord.